New Hampshire
You should plan on showing "proof of identification" when you vote in person in New Hampshire. See the section on Voter ID Information for a complete list of valid forms of ID.
New Hampshire voter registration deadlines
- In Person: Election Day. Before Election Day, the last day to register is the last meeting of the Supervisors of the Checklist. The supervisors meet once, 6-13 days before Election Day. Check your town/city website, or call your clerk's office for the date, time, and location of the Supervisor's meeting.
- By Mail: Received between 6 and 13 days before Election Day, depending on which town you live in.
- Online: Not Available.
- Election Day Registration: If you have missed the voter registration deadline, you can still register to vote and a cast a ballot at the same time on Election Day. Simply go to your regular polling place or early voting site to register and vote. Voters should bring a valid photo ID to vote. See the section on Voter ID Information for acceptable forms of photo ID. Voters that do not bring a valid photo ID execute a challenged voter affidavit form and will later receive a letter requesting confirmation they voted. Contact your Local Election Office for questions about the process or identification requirements.
New Hampshire voter registration rules
To register to vote in New Hampshire, you must:
- Be a United States Citizen
- Be 18 years of age or older on Election Day
- Register to vote only in the town or ward in which you actually live
- Not have been convicted of a felony, unless you are past your final discharge
- Not have been ever convicted of bribery or intimidation relating to elections
New Hampshire links for voting information
Have a question? Check the F.A.Q..
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