NOTE: If you are registering for the first time, you should plan on showing "proof of identification" the first time you vote. See section on Voter ID Information for a complete list of acceptable forms of identification.
Nebraska voter registration deadlines
- In Person: Received 11 days before Election Day.
- By Mail: Mailed and postmarked 18 days before Election Day.
- Online: Received 18 days before Election Day.
- Election Day Registration: Not Available.
Nebraska voter registration rules
To register to vote in Nebraska, you must:
- Be a United States Citizen
- Be a resident of Nebraska
- Be at least 18 years of age or will be 18 years of age on or before the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November
- Not have been convicted of a felony, or if convicted, sentence has been completed (this requirement is currently being litigated; please consult with your local election official for current guidance)
- Not have been officially found to be mentally incompetent
- Not have been convicted of treason, unless you have had your civil rights stored
Nebraska links for voting information
Have a question? Check the F.A.Q..
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