NOTE:You should plan on showing "proof of identification" when you vote. See the section on Voter ID Information for a complete list of acceptable forms of ID to bring with you to the polls.
Utah voter registration deadlines
- In Person: Received by 5PM 11 days before Election Day by the county clerk, but voters may also register during early vote and on Election Day. However, voters must vote by provisional ballot if they register in person during early voting or on Election Day.
- By Mail: Received by 5 PM 11 days before Election Day.
- Online: Received by 5 PM 11 days before Election Day.
- Election Day Registration: An individual who is not registered to vote may register and vote on election day or during the early voting period by voting a provisional ballot, if:
- the individual is otherwise legally entitled to vote the ballot;
- the ballot is identical to the ballot for the precinct in which the individual resides;
- the information on the provisional ballot form is complete; and
- the individual provides valid voter identification and proof of residence to the poll worker.
Utah voter registration rules
To register to vote in Utah, you must:
- Be a United States Citizen
- Have resided in Utah for 30 days immediately before the next election, and currently reside in the precinct in which you are registering to vote
- Be at least 18 years old by the general election in which you vote. 16- and 17-year-olds may preregister to vote, but they cannot vote until they are 18 (individuals may vote in a primary election if they are 17 years old on or before the date of the primary election and will be 18 years old on or before the date of the corresponding general election)
- Not have been convicted of certain felonies, or if convicted, have had your full rights of citizenship restored (or have received a pardon)
- Not be convicted of treason or crime against the elective franchise, unless restored to civil rights
- Not be found to be mentally incompetent by a court of law
Utah links for voting information
Have a question? Check the F.A.Q..
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